Kathryn Stockett | The Help

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Publisher : Putnam Adult
Pages: 464, Publication Date: 2009-02-10
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0399155341, mobi, lrf, html. zip 1.42 MB

The Help is cleverly written, but does a poor job of conveying the institutional racism of the deep South. Kathryn Stockett makes racism seem like just another form of pettiness practiced by pampered Southern belles, when it was far worse and far more pervasive than she has the courage to admit.

While the two main African-American characters are fully developed, Skeeter doesn't win many points for character development. She seems fairly clueless that racism is an issue, which seems impossible for someone who was editing her college paper when James Meredith was fighting to get into that very institution!

If you're ready for a more honest look at that time and place, get Anne Moody's "Coming of Age in Mississippi," a memoir that captures the real tenor of the times without the sentimentality that Stockett is steeped in.

It's ironic that Stockett is making her name as a writer by re-creating the exploitive atmosphere that she was raised in, turning what was a difficult, arduous situation for the women of her childhood into a very profitable book in which the clueless Anglo woman is willing to put the maids at risk in order to launch her career.

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