Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

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by: John Le Carre
publisher: Penguin Group USA
date: 2011, epub 0.3 mb

"It's the oldest question of all, George. Who can spy on the spies?"
The man he knew as "Control" is dead, and the young Turks who forced him out now run the Circus. But George Smiley isn't quite ready for retirement-especially when a pretty, would-be defector surfaces with a shocking accusation: a Soviet mole has penetrated the highest level of British Intelligence.

Relying only on his wits and a small, loyal cadre, Smiley traces the breach back to Karla--his Moscow Centre nemesis--and sets a trap to catch the traitor.

The first novel in John le Carré's celebrated Karla trilogy, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is a heart-stopping tale of international intrigue.

With an Introduction by the Author.

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